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At Neobrain, we're convinced that skill is the keyto unlocking the hidden talents within a company. skills are not only transforming today's world, but are also creating the contours of tomorrow's enterprise.

HR teams face 3 major challenges every day:

  1. The shortage of skills: according to McKinsey, 43% of companies consider themselves to be lacking in this area.
  2. The difficulties of anticipating tomorrow's challenges, with AI and CSR as tangible drivers of change.
  3. The need to adapt through long-term, ongoing means that engage employees rather than less effective one-off actions.

To address these challenges and highlight the abilities of individuals, let's begin by examining how we will defining skills in the workplace.

How do you define skills ?

The word skill comes from the Latin "competentia" meaning "right relationship".

skills are the specific skills and knowledge required to effectively perform the tasks and responsibilities associated with a particular job in a specific sector. These skills are strongly influenced by the sector concerned and require a great deal of formalization. They include both skills technical skills, such as mastery of specialized software, and skills non-technical skills, such as time management or effective communication.

From a socio-economic point of view, skill, whether individual or collective, is directly linked to human capital management. It is a privileged lever for thinking about the adaptation to the various changes in professions, notably through self-training, coaching or other practices adapted to the learning model of each individual.

Types of skills business

  • skills technical skills (hard skills): These are specific, measurable skills often acquired through training or practical experience. Examples include computer programming, use of accounting software or knowledge of medical procedures.
  • skills non-technical (soft skills): These are interpersonal and behavioral qualities that facilitate interaction and cooperation at work. For example, the ability to work as part of a team, empathy, or skills negotiation skills.
  • skills sector-specific: unlike skills , skills are strongly influenced by the sector concerned. For example, a salesperson selling training courses to professionals could transfer his skills to an Account Executive role in an HR software company, aimed at a similar target group of HR professionals. On the other hand, it would be more difficult for him to transfer to the retail sector, where the requirements and skills can be very different.

Importance of skills business

skills are essential to guarantee efficiency and performance in the workplace. Not only do they enable you to meet specific job requirements, they also enable you to adapt to the particularities and developments of the sector concerned. A solid command of skills improves employability in a specific sector and opens up opportunities for professional growth within that sector.

How do you identify skills ?

To identify skills jobs, companies can refer to job observatories and the Répertoire Opérationnel des Métiers et des Emplois (ROME). Analyzing tasks and responsibilities, talking to trade experts and using assessment tools are among the most effective levers.

In the professional sphere, skill is a legal term used to express the requirements of a profession. The individual mobilizes his or her various skills skills in a given professional context.

You can find out how to structure all the skills you need for your business on our"Categories" page at skills.

Analysis of tasks and responsibilities

Task analysis involves detailing all the specific activities of a job to identify the skills required. This method provides a precise understanding of what is expected and the skills required to perform each task effectively. Using skills matrices can help visualize key skills and organize them by mastery level.

Interviews with industry experts

Consulting industry experts and professionals is crucial to identifying skills business. Interviews can reveal skills tacit and non-formalized know-how that is essential for success in a particular field. Structured and semi-structured interview techniques can extract detailed and relevant information.

Identification tools and methods

Using assessments and tests from skills is an effective way of identifying skills employees or candidates. Analyzing job descriptions and advertisements can also provide valuable insights into the skills sought-after skills in a specific field.

Indeed, in France in the early 90s, we saw the introduction of the skills assessment. Even today, its aim is to optimize employability, either in the case of access or return to employment, or in the case of professional mobility. Human resources can also collect skills data as early as the recruitment stage, using CVs to indicate training and certifications obtained, as well as technical tests to validate them before a position is taken up. skills management is at the heart of related HR development practices, performance appraisals, people reviews, etc....

Comparateur Gesion des skills

What are the differences between qualities and skills ?

skills are skills specific to a job or sector, while professional qualities are personality traits and behaviors that influence the way we work.

Definition of professional qualities

Professional qualities are personality traits or behaviors that contribute to success in the workplace. Unlike skills, which are often acquired, qualities are generally inherent traits or developed through life experiences. For example, integrity, resilience and intellectual curiosity are important professional qualities.

Comparing qualities and skills

skills (know-how) refers to the ability to perform specific tasks, while qualities (savoir-être) concern behavior and attitude at work. For example, a software developer may have skills in programming (skills) and also be an excellent team player (quality).

The importance of complementarity

The skills and qualities complement each other to form a complete professional. For example, a project manager needs not only skills in planning and resource management, but also qualities such as patience and the ability to motivate a team. Together, they make it easier to adapt and succeed in a variety of professional situations.

Understand the concept of skills trades through real-life situations

The professional skills, whether technical or behavioral, differ according to a given profession. Here are three examples:

  1. For a recruiter, we can define their core skills such as excellent interpersonal abilities, mastery of recruitment software and legal knowledge for drawing up employment contracts.
  2. In the case of a salesperson, we can expect skills such as a rapid understanding and mastery of the offer or service they are selling, the strength to persuade and negotiate, analytical skills and the use of KPI reporting tools.
  3. Finally, if we take the example of a maintenance technician, we can cite a good knowledge of the equipment related their sector of activity, an eye for detail in diagnosing faults, knowledge of safety rules and a sense of teamwork.

In summary, understanding the notion of skill is the first essential step to master before being able to identify and structure them within a company. This good understanding concerns the management, the HR staff, the managers and especially each employee, for whom it will be easier to carry out a self-assessment from a good understanding. skills and aspirations are inseparable, get acquainted with these essential factors in mobility with our Page"Assessing skills and aspirations".

How can you maintain skills in your businesses?

Continuing education

Ongoing training is essential to maintain and improve skills skills. It enables professionals to stay up to date with new technologies, best practices and industry developments. Options include online courses, seminars, workshops and certifications.

Technology and sector watch

Keeping abreast of the latest trends and advances in your field is crucial. Technology and industry watch involves following blogs, professional journals, webinars and conferences. This enables you to quickly spot innovations and changes in professional practices.

Evaluation and updating of skills

It's important to regularly assess employees' skills to identify gaps and opportunities for development. Assessments can be formal (such as exams or certifications) or informal (such as self-assessments or feedback from colleagues). A personal development plan helps to set training objectives and monitor progress.