How to choose the right training for your company?

The types of training content and methods are very varied: how to adapt them to your company? All about Skills Cedric Leonardo Cedric Leonardo

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In business, human resources are an essential factor in the development of activities and, by extension, in the achievement of objectives. A quality human resource allows you to take the advantage over your competitors. For this, it is important that the company manager pays special attention to it. This requires quality training for his employees, but above all, customized training. How to choose the training adapted to the needs of its company?

Identify your training needs

The first step in the process of choosing the right training is to determine the problems facing the company. If you sense a need for training for your company’s human resources, it is because there are shortcomings. This is what you should start by listing. It is these shortcomings that will allow you to know precisely what your needs are in terms of training for your employees. And it is these deficiencies that will be the criteria for selecting the type of continuing education you need.

Make a list of themes and skills

The second step after identifying the needs is to determine the solutions that address them. In other words, you will need to start with the needs and define the solution approaches that will address them. To qualify a training as better, it is important to ensure that it meets each of your needs. making a list of solutions allows you to ensure that your choice of training takes them into account. In addition, this step allows you to really measure and appreciate your level of mastery of the subject. As a guideline, you should never choose an expert course if you have no real notion of the subject. And in the other direction, an introductory training would not help you at all if you are already more or less expert.

Verify the appetite of the themes for the proposed training courses

The third step is to compare the solution approaches listed above with the topic of the proposed training. It is here that you will have to read the syllabus and the various information provided to you in relation to the training. In fact, you are called upon to evaluate the quality of the proposed training, to make sure that it matches the objectives and especially the learning abilities of your collaborators. To verify this, you will have to consider, for example, the degree of complexity of the knowledge proposed. The pedagogical approach used or to be used as well as the preferred training format should not be overlooked either.

Make sure you have a variety of media

Trainers or training firms generally offer several types of training delivery. While some will offer you a webinar with dozens or even hundreds of people online, others will offer you a more personal option. You may also find online training options in the form of a physical conference with many participants; and also face-to-face training options, which include only ten or twenty learners. 

On the face of it, neither option is bad. They can both be perfect for one learner or another, depending on the personal objectives they have set. When we consider the seminar or webinar training, it will suit the employee if his need is to obtain knowledge on the general and main aspects of a topic; in order to do more in-depth personal research after the training. Understand that in this case, the learner does not need to have a direct contact with the trainer, nor to have the trainer’s attention specifically directed towards him.

If, on the other hand, the learner would like to acquire specific skills and/or perform practical activities during the training, an online training course will not, a priori, allow him/her to benefit from special attention from the trainer. The learner or the HRD must therefore assess the criteria according to the needs to be met.

Thus, good training is above all training that corresponds to the needs of the trained employee and to the company’s development needs. The goal is for it to be as useful as possible by giving the employee access to new resources to deepen his or her knowledge, and for the company to enable it to develop its employees.