SNCF : Promoting talent
Success story

SNCF Gares & Connexions is facing a context of sustained transformation. In response, the HR department wanted a tool to manage internal mobility, support HR actions and anticipate needs.

The Neobrain solution encourages the dynamics of transformation, always close to the field.

Anne Rebeyrotte
Head of the Performance Employment Unit at SNCF Gares et Connexions





Costumer since


Customer context

In 2020, a new context is reshaping the railway market in France. A new reform, new competitors, a sensitive economic and social sitiation and new mobility habits are accelerating change within the SNCF Group.

It is in this context that the HR department of the new-founded Gares & Connexions SA wanted a tool that would help integrating new activities, consolidating the operational implementation of the recent organization, anticipating and managing the employment challenges and skills in its various business lines (Maintenance & Works, development, station operations, etc.) and its territories.

The identified issues

SNCF was therefore expecting for a tool that would allow it to :

– To combine a forward-looking vision of resource requirements and skills by business line, based on strategy, with a vision of the specific needs of the various territories.

– Analyze this vision and translate it into HR action plans, both centrally (training policies, recruitment, career paths, etc.) and locally.

– Successfully engage the stakeholders involved, lead the process and steer it through a simple and well-equipped governance system.

Our approach‍

Our approach was to build with SNCF G&C a dynamic and intuitive solution to manage the Strategic Workforce Planning process as close as possible to the businesses and territories. Wa aimed to Help the professions to develop their economic roadmap by offering a collaborative approach that integrates with the tools in place. In the end, it lead to a better anticipation in the business and employment changes concerning project management.

We provided a solution to anchor the transformation dynamic in the hearts of SNCF G&C teams and employees. It helped mobilizing the management team and managers, creating a consistent framework to better adapt to the reality of each territory. To support the HRD, we displayed a long-term vision, creating pride and value. Wa also ensured short-term results, visible to all employees, by making the Strategic Workforce Planning as a driver to improve labor-management dialogue.

In order to deploy the solution quickly and efficiently, we collected a lot of data from SNCF G&C: current skills repository, training catalog, internal organization of the company, structure and list of benchmark jobs… completed by our own data thanks to the Neobrain Barometer (55-question questionnaire) and our analysis of the organization chart.

Skills Intelligence

Management of skills and employees: this module is a major support for human resources. It will be used to plan interviews (annual and professional), and will allow HR to have a complete map of mobility areas within SNCF G&C. Thus this module is a real decision support tool benefiting both HR and employees wishing to evolve within the company and reach new positions.

Talent planner

Resource planning: This module is based on a precise and comprehensive mapping of skills to identify skills internal pools, pinpoint gaps between current skills and skills required by certain positions, teams and territories, and thus better visualize staffing requirements by benchmark job and location. This module is a considerable asset for SNCF G&C, as it enables us to ensure that the right resource is in the right place at the right time, and if not, to consider mobility and/or recruitment.

Workforce redeployment: This module is based on a precise and comprehensive mapping of skills to identify skills internal pools, pinpoint gaps between current skills and skills required by certain positions, teams and territories, and thus better visualize workforce requirements by benchmark job and location. This module is a considerable asset for SNCF G&C, as it enables us to ensure that the right resource is in the right place at the right time, and if not, to consider mobility and/or recruitment.

Engagement loop

360° Feedback: Beyond contributing to talent recognition, employee feedback enhances the reliability of skill assessments. Utilized in the context of various HR milestones (such as annual performance reviews), the 360° feedback solution streamlines the preparation and execution of individual and collective development plans.