Safran: Future-Proofing workforce dynamics Success story

Safran called on Neobrain to meet its ambition to boost its internal mobility and skills development strategy for all the Group’s 83,000 employees worldwide.


The huge advantage of Neobrain is that it is extremely inclusive: every Safran employee has access to their own development, whatever their country.

Stéphane Dubois
Vice President, Human and Social Responsibilities, Safran




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Customer context

Safran employs 92,000 people at 276 sites in 30 countries. Its mission is to make a lasting contribution to a safer world, in which air transport becomes ever more environmentally friendly, comfortable and accessible.

To meet the societal, climate and digital challenges that are transforming the aerospace industry, Safran relies on a diversity of talents, which the Group is committed to supporting in their career paths.

Developing skills and building career paths is one of the fundamental principles structuring life at Safran.

The identified issues

Safran’s HR teams have worked with Neobrain to identify the needs they have in order to go even further in helping employees manage their careers:

  • Helping employees to position themselves with regard to their levels of skills
  • Build and dynamically update the various skills repositories
  • Identify all training courses and link them to the Group’s key skills targets.
  • Offer internal job opportunities tailored to employees’ profiles and aspirations
  • Supporting internal mobility to facilitate redeployment of staff skills

Neobrain’s Talent Marketplace ‘s ability to be deployed rapidly, the power of its technology and the intuitiveness of its user interface make it possible to implement a skills management and development policy in line with the Safran Group’s challenges.

Our approach‍

Safran relies on the synergy of a mixed ecosystem:

  • A data base provided by SAP
  • A central interface provided by Neobrain

Stéphane Dubois, HR Director for 2023, highlights a roll-out achieved “in record time” by bringing together “the best on the market”. Employees benefit from a consistent user experience that enhances their skills and their aspirations.


The result of this collaboration is the comprehensive “Selia Skills” platform, deployed Group-wide in 5 languages.

According to Stéphane Dubois, the Neobrain Talent Marketplace “creates instant value for business units”.

We now have formalized business gateways, giving employees and managers access to suitable mobility opportunities and training courses in a simple, transparent way.

Here is a comment from a Safran Brazil employee:

“I believe that this new platform SELIA is very objective, clear and easy to update my skills and dreams.”

Skills Intelligence

This module dynamically feeds an internal directory of skills and professions to help the company plan its transformation. The strength of Neobrain’s Artificial Intelligence lies in its ability to automatically generate suggested skills for employees, facilitating the completion of their profiles. The HR and business teams can then map out the skills skills available and the skills skills to be developed.

Talent Marketplace

Thanks to this Module, Safran offers complete visibility on internal opportunities, whether for development paths or jobs. The new ecosystem offers everyone transparency on compatibility with available opportunities, their strengths and areas for improvement. It provides everyone with the best weapons for embracing the transformation of the Group’s businesses by becoming co-actors in their own employability.