How to pass your personality tests?

Personality tests are essential elements in the evaluation of employees. Find out how to pass them in your company.

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The organization of work is evolving towards a more collaborative approach, with 63% of employees considering that their activity depends on this criterion. The question of the adequacy of personalities and values is therefore becoming more important.

How do you evaluate the personality of an external candidate?

By evaluating the employee against a set of specifications: the assets needed to succeed in the position, the company’s values, the personalities and the team in place. Knowing what motivates the employee and his or her skills is also essential. Personality tests are one of the levers of this evaluation.

As a candidate, how can you succeed?

By preparing for it, you will limit the stress.

First of all you should know that there are 5 consecutive dimensions of your personality, they are also called "Big Five":

  • Extraversion/introversion
  • Orientation towards intuition or reason
  • Emotional stability
  • conscientiousness
  • Intellectual openness.

Beware the simplicity of the questions is deceptive. It’s hard to know when you’re answering a question when you may feel that it has already been asked if you test the same trait. Sometimes you are sure that you are being evaluated on your ability to work in a team, when in fact it is your ability to manage conflict that is at stake. So don’t make any plans: just be yourself. If you feel you are giving inconsistent answers, that’s fine if they are what you believe about yourself. But if you describe yourself as you would like to be, you risk coming across as a false self, someone who is not in tune with himself, who does not accept himself, who does not know who he is, or who cheats… that’s more annoying.

For example, if you overdo it on your perfectionism, the recruiter will wonder if you work too slowly, if you know how to delegate.

Not easy, you might say, I don’t know myself that well. So trust your unconscious mind, it’s the one in charge when you are spontaneous, don’t think when you check the boxes. The best preparation is to know yourself a little. Take a sheet of paper and write down how you see your best friend, your worst enemy and finally yourself. Describe in 3 points through which experience you expressed your skills and how. You will give color to the interview that will follow the tests, and material to your argument if you do not agree with the whole interpretation.

The tests are not an exact science, they are an angle, be confident, let your potential speak for itself, and remember that performance does not go today, without a good dose of balance.