3M€ fundraising from Breega

This fundraising will allow Neobrain to fuel its growth by tripling its workforce and to ensure its development in France and internationally.
Neobrain raises €3M: HR innovation...
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Neobrain: The innovative HR solution that is essential in times of crisis to reduce the impact of changes in companies and professions on people

The world is changing. Today, 90% of French companies are considering an evolution of their organization. Reorganizations that are certainly necessary but also impact employees and their jobs.This is why, in January 2018, at 22 years old, and after a first successful entrepreneurial experience in school guidance with FUTURNESS of the Groupe l'Étudiant, Paul Courtaud created NEOBRAIN. His mission? to develop an intuitive digital tool to accompany Men in their professional transformation in a rapidly changing world.

Based on artificial intelligence, Neobrain has created a technology (platform and application) to anticipate and facilitate strategic HR decisions. The startup responds in an efficient and relevant way to three key needs within organizations: employee commitment and loyalty; simplification and fluidity of internal mobility; alignment of skills employees with the company's strategy. Thanks to its unique technology and its knowledge of the business, Neobrain limits the impact of the transformation of the business on people. A solution that comes at the right time as the crisis linked to Covid-19 calls into question the uses and organization of work.

Fundraising to fuel its growth

Today, Neobrain has nearly 60,000 monthly active users, 24 employees and has opened offices in Lisbon. The startup intends to triple its workforce by recruiting about 40 people by the end of the year, and plans to expand its international activity. It also aims to expand its analysis of the job market from fifty countries, representing 54 million job offers, to one hundred countries in order to strengthen its prediction of the evolution of jobs and skills.

Neobrain is currently experiencing strong growth. Its HR solution is well received and the current period has highlighted the relevance of its solution. Its monthly growth has increased́ by 50% since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis. Faced with the increasing pace of implementation of AI HR solutions at its customers, this €3 million fundraising will allow the startup to reach its set goals.

A word from the CEO

" Mobility is a major issue to ensure the sustainability of jobs and organizations. We can see that skill and motivation are becoming the link between employment and training. "Paul Courtaud - CEO of Neobrain

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