Skills assessments: how to optimize this HR tool?

The management of skills is an integral part of the HR policy, the skills assessment is one of the preferred tools.

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The management of skills is an integral part of any HR policy, and many tools are available to HR departments and managers. The skills assessment is one of the most widely used: approximately 50,000 skills assessments are carried out each year, and this number will increase to 85,000 by 2021 according to the Caisse des Dépôts. Nevertheless, for it to be useful to both the employee and the employer, the process must be understood and shared. How to optimize this HR tool? With this article, we will guide you through the process.

How to finance skills assesments ?

The financial aspect of the skills assessment depends on the person who initiated the process:

  • When the employee initiates the assessment of skills , he/she can have it financed through his/her Personal Training Account (CPF).
  • If the assessment is proposed by the employer: it can only be carried out with the agreement of your employee, and you will finance it with your company’s internal training budget.

The average cost of this assessment, which will make it possible to evaluate skills and professional qualities, is approximately 1,700 to 2,000 euros depending on the region and the organization. This amount is not neutral, so make sure you find out about the quality of the centers you have pre-selected.

Skills assesments’ benefits for employees

To put the skills assessment at the service of the employee, it is necessary to entrust it to an external service provider. The assessment follows a methodology defined by the French Labor Code and must be sequenced in three stages(art. R.6313-1):

  • The preliminary phase: the HR team and the manager analyze the employee’s request and needs to define the terms and conditions of the assessment.
  • The investigation phase: the beneficiary will build his/her professional project, verify its relevance and feasibility. This is generally the moment that requires the most time and investment from the employee.
  • The conclusion phase: by meeting with the service provider during individual interviews, the employee will be able to detail an action plan, the means to be mobilized, and the steps to be taken to carry out the project.

It is therefore a complete process that requires time: 24 hours are generally offered by assessment centers skills, in addition to the employee’s personal research. The employee must reflect deeply on his or her motivations, evaluate his or her professional and personal skills and identify his or her key skills .

How to empower the employee in his contiuous skills’ assements ?

The assessment skills places the employee at the heart of his or her career plan. It consists, on the one hand, of taking stock of his or her skills and professional qualities by drawing up a list of skills and a reference framework of skills, but also of building a customized action plan.

By completing this assessment, your employee will be able to:

  • To confirm one’s motivation to work in one’s current position, or to move towards a reconversion.
  • Define the means to access it: the centers offer different positioning tests to the employee, to assess his or her skills and deep motivations.
  • Initiate a discussion with your manager and HR department and build a professional development plan.

Skills assessment and internal mobility

The assessment of skills can usefully be used to support your evaluation and management policy for skills :

  • It allows the employee to be involved in a participatory Strategic Workforce Planning and to re-launch the dialogue, particularly concerning his or her wishes for development.
  • It will be invaluable in managing your internal mobility policy: by formalizing your employees’ professional projects, you will be able to link them to their skills and acquired professional qualities. It will then be possible to position them on key functions.

However, you should know that the service provider is bound by an obligation of confidentiality: you will never have access to the entire content of the assessment, and the employee must formally agree to send you the results. This will be the case even if you initiate the process.

It is your responsibility to engage in dialogue, without seeking information that the employee considers too personal.

As you will have noticed, the skills assessment will be invaluable in your system for evaluating skills and the professional qualities of your employees. By using it wisely, you will be able to make it an effective tool for empowering your employees.

Are you wondering how to involve your talents in their development? Our page“Empowering employees on developing their skills” will give you some keys.