For any employee wishing to embark on a new professional project, to redraw the contours of his or her aspirations or to take stock of his or her possibilities according to his or her current skills , the skills assessment has become an essential tool. Since January 1, 2017, the skills assessment is eligible for the Personal Training Account. Thus integrated into the training plan, the skills assessment finds its full place in the career path of employees within the company, and should no longer be seen only as a solution for reclassification at the end of the contract. Supporting an employee in an internal mobility project, preventing psycho-social risks, boosting motivation and self-confidence when only 10% of French employees say they are committed to their company, ... the purposes of the skills assessment are wide-ranging for human resources, which must take advantage of it and use it as a tool for steering their talent management. Here is an overview of the most interesting platforms in this field.
Why use an assessment software from skills ?
HRIS, mobile recruitment applications, video interviews, data visualization, etc. The HR function has been hit hard by digitalization with a number of innovative digital solutions that now cover all its needs, including the skills assessment. Software publishers are developing assessment solutions for skills that optimize this evaluation process, increase its efficiency and add value to it. A skills assessment must allow the employee and the company to take stock of several aspects: intellectual aptitudes in relation to the employee's personality, motivation, and the skills acquired during professional experience or training courses. As the skills assessment is not an end in itself, it is important that the platform used proposes, at the end of the questionnaire, to go further: an automatic translation of skills into professional orientation or training needs. The skills assessment is no longer just an evaluation but a real facilitator of internal mobility.
Neobrain: artificial intelligence at the service of HR
In order to manage skills and to have a better vision of internal talents, the Hexagonal editor Neobrain relies on its expertise in artificial intelligence to propose the Smart Mobility program, an innovative and very complete platform dedicated to internal mobility. It provides a complete vision of the potential of the participants in the skills assessment through 3 levels of analysis of skills. Neobrain allows the analysis of skills accumulated in the context of professional and extra-professional experiences, mobilizes the validation of peers and N+1 and finally uses legally recognized standardized tests. Thanks to its technology based on artificial intelligence, Neobrain then automatically identifies the development prospects to be offered to each candidate according to his or her skills assessment.
Transférence: a rich platform that cuts across all business lines
The skills Transférence analysis and transfer software published by Parcouréo covers 1,200 professions and 74 skills across the entire French business fabric. It has been praised for its simplicity and speed of implementation. To consolidate its skills assessments, Transférence identifies skills individual skills and projects them into professions. To do this, the software uses the dual "interests - abilities" scale. It measures factors such as short-term employability, training needs, motivation and job satisfaction. At the end of this process, Transférence returns the individual's key skills , his or her potential, and the gaps between his or her motivations and abilities. Finally, the platform draws up a list of "target professions" corresponding to the profile.
Smart Action HR: the HR toolbox
The French publisher Editions législatives has created Smart action RH, an operational online tool filled with useful resources for the HR function, including elements for managing an assessment of skills. Developed by and for HR teams, this software provides turnkey tools for conducting this type of interview: advice sheets, interview guide templates, tests, checklists, etc. This is a considerable time-saver for managing an assessment at skills and for developing your assessment processes at skills.