The 4 keys to successful internal communication

The importance of internal communication has grown exponentially, becoming strategic in numerous aspects. Here are key factors to ensure its success.
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Internal communication made its appearance in companies about twenty years ago. It was only one element among others of "La com'" and was often limited to the writing and the follow-up of the internal newspaper, in which newcomers were welcomed and photos of the last seminar were proudly displayed. So much has changed since then! The challenges of internal communication have multiplied... Just like its distribution channels. Shared between the Communication Department and the Human Resources Department, a role is now dedicated to this strategic axis of commitment.

What are the keys to successful internal communication?

The keys to successful internal communication lie in the transparent sharing of information, its integration into the company's strategy, the mastery of channels and the adaptation to the different employee populations.

Key Number 1: Share information transparently

Sharing information is of course the primary vocation of internal communication. But the time when news was sorted or watered down is over. With mistrust now everywhere - towards politics, towards the media, towards one's own neighbors sometimes... - it is precious to succeed in making the company a space of trust and transparency. Thus, if it is essential to communicate on business success stories, it is just as important not to hide the less good news. Redundancy plans, reorganizations, relocations, abandoned projects are all part of the life of a company. Employees are able to understand everything as well as the members of the Management Committee and keeping them informed in a transparent manner is a proof of consideration. The winning communication strategy will be the one that assumes and, above all, explains

Key Number 2: Integrate internal communication into corporate strategy

Beyond maintaining a perpetual and sincere dialogue with employees, internal communication serves as a relay for the company's strategy. It sets the course, announces - and reminds them of - operational plans, explains the ambitions of governance, and makes it easier to understand the issues at stake. Giving employees the first taste of an external communication campaign, for example, is a way of creating an event and informing them, but it is also, and above all, an opportunity to reward them with a strategic share. Affirm the company's culture and values, engage employees. The company's culture and values are embodied by the management, relayed by the HR department, and carried by all. If they are a strong axis of external communication, it is the same for internal communication: the HRD, via the communication department, must constantly remind them to develop a sense of belonging and federate all employees around a common project, in short, to get them on board, to commit them to the company.

Key Number 3: Master all channels and generate feedback

The company newspaper and the intranet are no longer the kings of internal communication! WhatsApp groups, social networks, e-news services - national or international - are all channels for conveying information, and making employees both receivers... but also transmitters; which is great because communicating without generating feedback is meaningless. On the other hand, these multiplying channels must also be a point of vigilance for the HR department and the internal communication. The challenge is to find a balance between promoting the positive side of these interactions between employees (promotion of the company's life, positive cooperation, etc.) while keeping an eye on the content, and even moderating, dispassionate and calming the exchanges when necessary.

Key Number 4: Segment and adapt communication

As with external communication campaigns, it is essential in internal communication to adapt certain types of messages to their recipients. If we disregard "corporate" communication, which goes through ad hoc channels, it is essential to personalize certain messages while using dedicated channels. For example, a welcome booklet delivered to new recruits by the HR department, or a sales target follow-up communicated to the sales force via their Yammer group are all specific communications that allow everyone to feel recognized and considered. Personalized communication generates support and pride, and makes people want to get involved. Segmenting and adapting the discourse then becomes a guarantee of collaborative management and business intelligence.

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