Smart HR Data: relying on reliable data.

HR strategy is increasingly based on reliable data. How to build a Smart Data HR system that provides the necessaru intelligence for decision ?

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After the advent of big data, smart data has made its way into HR. Its purpose: to sort, refine and cross-reference data – much more refined than that inherent in Big Data – and associate it with algorithms to exploit it. In short, the digital revolution is simplifying the path towards the use of Data in HR practices.

Smart HR Data: what definition?

Smart data is a logical evolution of big data. Big data, as its name indicates, provides gigantic masses of raw data. Its character is therefore essentially quantitative. Thanks to the sorting and grouping of data offered in particular by AI, the information becomes more qualitative and appropriate for making decisions.

Initial Diagnostic and Design Effort

The approach to smart data does not only consist in using dedicated software, but also in organizing the data. Indeed, it is a matter of listing the use cases upstream, making an inventory of the quality of the current data before building the appropriate information system.

Thanks to this data, HR will be able to proceed with models; analyze the causes of turnover, anticipate career paths, understand the phenomenon of talent retention…

Thanks to HR Smart Data, you will now have the means to maximize your action plans. Our Use Case“Optimize HR investments” gives you some additional keys.

HR Data Reliability enhance with artificial intelligence inputs

To move from big to smart data, several activities are required. The use of artificial intelligence will accelerate this process. How to go from Big Data HR to Smart Data HR?

  • Filtering data, and deleting those that – in view of the objectives set by the company – are deemed uninteresting,
  • Verification of the sources and validity of the information selected. To do this, the data selected will be compared with “certified” data such as those provided by INSEE, public organizations or certain private databases,
  • Sorting and classifying the selected data, according to predefined criteria; for example, in terms of age, skills, consumption habits, geography, etc.

Unlocking the advantages of HR Smart Data

Applied to the HR function, smart data allows it to rely on reliable data. What are the advantages of HR smart data?

  • Initiate a predictive logic : the source of information as fine as it is voluminous that smart data provides allows the HRD to anticipate the movements of employees… Analyses of internal and external data that will prove particularly useful for the management plans of skills on different horizons.
  • Make more objective decisions: smart data allows us to better evaluate talent, not by eliminating human perception, but by feeding it with rational and verified data.
  • Agile behaviors: just as the company encourages employees to work with ever greater agility and efficiency, they are entitled to expect the same level of responsiveness from their HR. By shortening the analysis time, it is easier for HR to be aware of the situation and to make decisions, thus enabling it to be much more proactive.
  • Personalize employee relations: thanks to the reliability and variety of data provided by smart data, particularly from social networks, employee relations are becoming “marketed” in the same way as the customer experience. It is therefore in a hyper-personalized way that items such as potential management, variable remuneration, loyalty and talent retention, etc. are treated.
  • Innovate in HR practices: data from smart data will enable monitoring of the evolution of jobs and the skills that will be attached to them. This makes it possible to anticipate complex or sensitive recruitments with the implementation of statistical models of applications.

And to work on this reliable data, a key criterion for HR, a new profession has emerged! It’s called “HR Data Scientist”, a position halfway between marketing and mathematics. Voted “sexiest” job of the year, the data scientist is, moreover, in the image of HR: rigorous, innovative and relevant!

Are you interested in new HR expertise? We have grouped them together in our“Changes in HR Management” page.