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The software of management of skills and HRIS allow to automate the repetitive and energy-consuming administrative tasks until now carried out by the human resources departments. The tool Strategic Workforce Planning even allows you to measure the real productivity of your staff. Moreover, it allows to anticipate future evolutions and to establish recruitment strategies. The digitization of the processes that a HRIS for SMEs entails results in considerable time savings in terms of administrative and talent management. It allows you to operate like a large company. With this fast-moving automation, are managers destined to be replaced by software?

Does HRIS software recruit better than an HRD?

The use of a tool to determine the right candidate for a position is now possible. A candidate is asked questions related to skills technical, aptitudes, personality. The answers are then matched with the job description. The algorithm then draws up a list of applicants from the most recommended to the least suitable.

Some studies show that turnover is lower when employees are selected by machines. On average, they stay 17 days longer in the company than those selected by humans. The difference in terms of productivity is small but observable, especially for short-term contracts. The Applicant Tracking System (ATS) can also take care of the administrative response sent to a candidate in case of rejection.

Will the HRD function disappear?

Certain tasks can be entrusted to robots with complete peace of mind for an optimal and rapid result. These include the use of data in the evaluation of malfunctions, suggestions for decision making, monitoring the results of each workstation, setting objectives and monitoring performance.

Machine feedback is now more relevant and reliable than human feedback which can be inaccurate. Moreover, the software suggestions, following the exploitation of the collected data, will be objective, impartial and non-discriminatory.

Nevertheless, the HR function is still essential and will remain so for a long time. While it has been relieved of tedious and automatable administrative constraints, its responsibilities have evolved. Relying on these decision support tools, the HRD has become stronger. His choices have become relevant thanks to AI and are fundamental in the efficient management of the company's strategy. He thus has a new string to his bow that replaces the one that was the least interesting. It is the candidate selection process.

Can quality of life at work be automated?

The human aspect remains the foundation of the proper functioning of a company. The productivity of a company is the result of the motivation felt by its employees. This feeling is favored and enriched by different concrete factors that constitute the quality of life at work. Faced with the expression of personal difficulties and emotions, the machine cannot (yet) respond effectively.

Only the human can understand the human and act accordingly to solve the problem. If a robot sees the decrease in productivity of an employee, it cannot know that this may be the consequence of a personal physical or moral problem.

Only humans can understand the expectations of their employees. Through regular communication or through federative company events. There is no longer any ice separating the different actors of the same company. This way, we can detect the training needs, the desires for evolution and the objectives of each employee. The result is a reduction in turnover.

Concluding with figures

The right solution is to mix the two approaches: entrust diagnostics to Strategic Workforce Planning and let the HR departments manage the solutions. Millennials who have been educated in the digitalized environment have integrated the need for robots in their work. This evolution, which they consider natural, even seems beneficial to them insofar as it allows them to have the right performance indicators to evolve and correct their course. Their vision of the tools of Strategic Workforce Planning In this sense, their vision of the tools is positive, far from the reporting clichés used to "track" their activities.