How to properly negotiate a Jobs & Skills Management Process ?

In France, a specific agreement on jobs and skills' future needs to be conducted with the employees' representative. What are the key success factors ?
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Should an agreement Jobs & Skills Management only be negotiated during an HR resizing? No. It is above all an opportunity to offer a stimulating horizon to the transformation of the company's activities.

Jobs & Skills Management (Gestion des Emplois et des Parcours Professionnels), the successor to Strategic Workforce Planning, aims toadapt employee development plans to ensure that skills are in line with technological, social and environmental changes. It is therefore a more dynamic management of the development of skills, careers and talents that is planned, based in particular on human capital and the anticipation of changes in professions. Negotiating a successful agreement Jobs & Skills Management involves a number of essential points to be taken into account, from the definition of the framework and the action plan to the definition of objectives. 

Anticipating the negotiation Jobs & Skills Management : how to set a framework beforehand?

Why is it important to clearly define the scope of the negotiation Jobs & Skills Management ?

It is important to clearly define the scope of the Jobs & Skills Management negotiation, as it is a system that aims to benefit the whole company. Compulsory for organizations with more than 300 employees, the negotiation of an agreement must take place every 3 years (4 years maximum in the case of a specific agreement). It is therefore a large-scale, cross-functional mechanism. The Jobs & Skills Management involves many stakeholders whose needs may be specific: company, managers, employees, social partners... 

The Jobs & Skills Management agreement takes into account both the internal elements of the company, such as its strategy and economic situation, and external factors, such as market trends and social, technological and environmental changes. For example, according to the Observatoire des Métiers, 85% of jobs in all sectors of the economy will change radically by 2030 and will require new professional skills .

The scope is broad and strategic due to the current challenges in recruiting, retaining and training employees. More and more companies appreciate the importance of this type of agreement, as 46% of those who have already implemented a system want to speed up their process (according to the Jobs & Skills Management 2022 barometer by Neobrain, MyRHLine and Actance).

adaptation survey skills
Adapting skills as a priority of the agreement Jobs & Skills Management

Which actors to include in the negotiation of agreements Jobs & Skills Management ?

We recommend that you include all stakeholders, or their representatives, who will be impacted: 

  • Human Resources Department;
  • CSE;
  • Managers;
  • Employees ; 
  • Social partners.

Each of the stakeholders will have identified needs and a different vision of how skills should evolve. Creating a monitoring committee with these different representatives allows to be sure to negotiate an agreement Jobs & Skills Management that benefits all the actors of the company.  

Why formalize a method agreement for negotiations Jobs & Skills Management ? 

Formalizing a method agreement helps define the terms, references and limits of the negotiations in question. It helps to avoid misunderstandings and fruitless discussions by establishing a common basis for negotiations. This can be particularly important when the subject matter is broad. However, a method agreement concluded pursuant to Articles L.2242-10 et seq. of the Labour Code can freely define the content of the negotiations on Jobs & Skills Management. Even if it is an optional text, its preparation allows for the opening of dialogue.

Examples of provisions to be negotiated include: 

  • Different periodicity of negotiations, up to a maximum of 4 years between each negotiation on the Jobs & Skills Management ;
  • Content of each theme and sub-theme;
  • Pace of negotiations, schedule and location of meetings;
  • Methods of monitoring commitments.

If you are part of a group, also check to see if there is a group agreement on Jobs & Skills Management. 

At the same time, negotiations must be informed by a diagnosis. 

Diagnosis and setting of common objectives at the heart of the agreement Jobs & Skills Management.

What criteria should be analyzed during the audit for a Jobs & Skills Management device?

A Jobs & Skills Management scheme involves an audit of the company's current and future situation.

The diagnosis takes into account:

  • The situation of the company at a given time;
  • The company's medium-term prospects;
  • Corporate strategy;
  • The impact of these perspectives on jobs, professions and skills in the company;
  • A mapping of the business lines and skills which identifies the business lines undergoing transformation, the growing business lines and the stable business lines.

How to choose the tools to manage your approach Jobs & Skills Management ? 

Choosing the right tools is important for structuring the objectives and monitoring the application of the action plan. Specific platforms can help to make corrections and adjust the approach in an iterative way. However, our barometer reveals that 63% of companies surveyed do not have dedicated tools. Mapping and referencing of skills, diagnostics of each employee are the preferred tools.

For trades and skills, you can rely on :

  • The mapping of the roles and skills of the company;
  • The skills repository;

  • Individual employee diagnoses.

As regards the evolution of the company's activities and its trades, prospective data are available from national and territorial professional branches and trade observatories

‍Theuse of a platform like Neobrain can help you structure your approach and analyze the progress of your objectives.

‍Ifyou want to know which metrics to track to evaluate the ROI of an HRIS, check out our article on the subject.

How to set your goals?

To ensure the success of the agreements Jobs & Skills Management, it is important to monitor them closely to evaluate their performance by setting objectives. These objectives must be in line with the company's objectives, the results of the diagnosis and the employees' needs. The indicators used to measure performance can be both qualitative and quantitative, but it is recommended that they be chosen according to a SMART logic: specific, measurable, attainable, achievable and time-bound.

The 3 Priorities of the agreement Jobs & Skills Management
The 3 priorities of an agreement Jobs & Skills Management

Which HR KPIs should be used for Jobs & Skills Management ?

Here are some examples of KPIs you can track: 

  • X% of employees must be trained within three years on skills necessary for the company's projected activity
  • Increase the internal mobility rate by X%.
  • Reduction of X% of the so-called precarious contracts
  • The evolution of the levels of skills on your strategic know-how
  • Increase the rate of satisfaction following training

By setting clear and measurable goals, you can structure appropriate development plans for your employees. What skills are you missing? What training plans to develop them? Recruitment or internal mobility, what are the most relevant levers to reach your objectives and remain competitive?

Negotiating an agreement Jobs & Skills Management : a summary of good practices.

Ultimately, leading this agreement lies in a few key actions:

  1. Define the framework of the negotiation by formalizing a method agreement
  2. List all stakeholders to be included in the negotiations
  3. Formalize the different themes to be addressed.
  4. Take into account the sometimes divergent needs and visions of the various players and thus establish an agreement that benefits the entire company.

The Jobs & Skills Management agreement is a strategic management tool for skills that responds to current labor market challenges. It is therefore important to devote time and resources to negotiate it well.