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Anticipating the transformation of professions with the Strategic Workforce Planning 4.0

Anticipating the transformation of professions with the Strategic Workforce Planning 4.0

Strategic Workforce Planning 4.0 offers business foresight and skill management capabilities that its predecessors didn't, detailing an innovative process.
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The digital revolution continues to make its way into the HR field, with an increase in equipment from 18 to 39% between 2018 and 2022. The various technologies are both the origin and the means to drive business transformations.

Job and career planning (Strategic Workforce Planning), nowadays through Jobs & Skills Management, aims at adapting jobs skills and workforce, to the company's requirements. These requirements stem, on the one hand, from the company's strategy and, on the other, from changes in its economic, social, legal and technological environment. Therefore, Strategic Workforce Planning must accompany the transformation of businesses and take particular account of the impacts of digital technology... this is a real question of survival for companies! How can we anticipate the transformation of businesses? How can the Strategic Workforce Planning How can it structure your transformation process?

Here is a three-step action plan:

1. Anticipate the transformation of professions with the rise in skills

Digital transformation is moving ahead at breakneck speed... much faster than the arrival on the market of candidates well-versed in the new professions it entails. The solution? Upskilling and reskilling, or the art of boosting the professional development and evolution of employees. In addition to the digital transformation, the ecological transition is profoundly transforming skills and entire sectors. Neobrain invites you to identify the changes in 100 professions and skills at risk and sustainable with the emergence of AI.

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Faced with the transformation of the job market, the challenge of filling all the new positions is a new one for Jobs & Skills Management. This challenge can be met by reskilling. This technique consists of choosing a candidate by putting their motivation and interpersonal skills before their skills and know-how. With this in mind, the Strategic Workforce Planning new generation is a change management tool. The aim is to support the transformation of professions by developing the agility and adaptability of employees and structures.

The company has to make up for shortcomings in certain professions for which skills are difficult to find. It can take up the challenge by focusing on an "atypical" candidate (external or internal) via adapted training and transformation programs. What do we mean by this term? A candidate whose technical level is not - at first sight - in line with the position to be filled, but who is endowed with soft skills allowing to bet on his adaptability. The recruit is then trained before he or she takes up the position, and the gamble may well pay off... Provided that we allow ourselves the necessary time to carry out the "winning reskilling"!

Tools for the rise in skills, objectives and supports
Tools for the rise in skills, objectives and supports
Several training goals, slill areas and supports
Several training goals, slill areas and supportston text

2. Personalize the accompaniments of the Strategic Workforce Planning

One size fits all " has had a long life in HR. The technique of sourcing candidates from a pool of standardized candidates is reaching its limits, as jobs and sectors are changing! Unable to continue creating "candidate boxes" that fit perfectly with "job boxes", the Strategic Workforce Planning 4.0 is turning to iterative methods. One of its tools is adaptive learning, which enables all types of candidates to position themselves for a job, even if they don't "fit the mold". Gone are the stereotypical career paths of top schools and experience in the same field... A strategy that also requires a good dose of maturity on the part of companies.

A more chaotic career or a self-taught person, for example, who has trained through moocs, can be very appealing in an interview and demonstrate exceptional cognitive qualities once in the job. These candidates, who are distinguished by their adaptability and their appetite for the "anti-routine", often take on unlikely challenges. Their passionate spirit is a real source of motivation when faced with new challenges, and their dynamism is a driving force for the entire team.

3. Measure the success of your transformation using precise indicators

How to measure the success of the system Strategic Workforce Planning and verify the success of your business transformation?

Here are the 2 types of indicators to measure the success of your device Strategic Workforce Planning :

  1. Indicators Strategic Workforce Planning quantitative have the objectives set during the diagnosis been achieved: what is the number of HR processes that include the work of the Strategic Workforce Planning ? What is the frequency of updating of the jobs...?
  2. Indicators Strategic Workforce Planning Qualitative : What is the degree of ownership of stakeholders? What about managers? Training managers? The employees themselves?

We have developed a list of indicators for you:"The 5 important indicators of your reporting".

Note that this Strategic Workforce Planning 4.0 is undeniably intelligent. Indeed, it takes up the challenge of combining traditional methods and tools (personalized skills assessments, individual interviews, job descriptions, etc.), while integrating the most innovative tools, such as HRIS, algorithms, and other dynamic repositories that allow for the rationalization of work and the automation of tasks with less added value!

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