People Review Process: A Guide to Effective Organization

Strategic Workforce Planning: Elevate HR strategy with employee-centric reviews, adhering to best practices.

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By 2021, one out of every two companies had a talent management policy in place. The talent review is an essential tool in the forward-looking management of jobs and skills. This approach, which places the employee at the heart of the HR policy, also responds to the strategic challenges of the company. How to organize an efficient people review?

Position the People Review at the heart of HR policy

The organization of people reviews within a company must reflect your HR policy: driven by the management, supported by the HR department and accompanied by the managers.
The involvement of your managers is an essential element of its success: they are in the best position to identify their talents and the skills and professional qualities of their employees, and to discuss with them their wishes for internal development.
The talent review places the employee at the heart of the HR strategy, and is one of the tools for building employee loyalty. It allows us to prepare for the future in terms of human resources: management of high potentials, training plan, mapping of skills, succession plan, etc. A truly effective people review is fed throughout the year from the various interactions between HR, managers and employees collected within your sirh.

Have a good knowledge of employees’ assets

For a talent review to be constructive, a bond of trust must exist between the HR line that conducts it and the managerial line that participates in it. An objective perception of employees by managers and HR actors will help avoid truncated employee evaluations (e.g.: an employee undervalued by his or her manager in order to keep him or her) or requests for internal or external mobility for the wrong reasons (relationship problems).

The quality of a people review depends on the knowledge you have of your employees. Career management tools are at your disposal to analyze your population: annual interviews, career points, assessment of skills, etc. Your talent review is part of your Strategic Workforce Planning. Carried out before the professional interviews, it provides a framework and guidelines for dialogue between the manager and the employee. Carried out after the individual interviews, the people review will be more complete because it will take into account the employee’s point of view on his or her career development.

Ensuring continuity after the People Review

At the end of your people review, an individual support plan is proposed for each “target”. A target can characterize different profiles: an employee whose skills are unsuitable or insufficient in their current position, an employee with high potential who needs to be further developed and trained, an employee requesting internal mobility, an employee who needs to be supported towards more responsibilities, etc.
It is also a decision-making tool in the definition and construction of your training plan. The involvement of managers allows them to better define the training needs of their teams, by making them responsible for arbitrating individual requests.

A relevant people review is not an end, but a beginning. It must conclude with support, training and internal mobility actions, in which all parties (management and HR) are involved. Its effectiveness will be measured throughout the year, until the next talent review, depending on the implementation of this action plan.
Your people reviews must begin with a review of previous meetings and the assessment of previous action plans, in order to ensure continuity in the career management of your employees.

Promote the People Review to employees

Few companies are transparent about their career management policies and the tools they use. Staff bodies, informed by legal obligation, are often hostile to any evaluation of personnel, and especially to any form of comparison or ranking of employees.
As a result, people reviews suffer from an image deficit among employees who do not see them as a tool for managing their careers.
The more opaque your approach is, the more it will be rejected by your managers and their teams because it will only generate rumors and frustration. A transparent communication policy is important in order to highlight the contributions and challenges of a people review.

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