Choosing an outplacement platform: 10 mistakes to avoid!

You need to be well prepared so that this transition does not end in failure. Here are 10 mistakes to avoid when choosing your outplacement platform.
Avoid mistakes when choosing an Outplement platform!
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First introduced in France in the 1980s, outplacement allows senior executives with several years of experience (10 years on average) to bounce back on the job market after an economic layoff or a voluntary departure from their company. It can be individual or collective. In fact, about 60% of outplacement missions concern groups of employees of more than 1000 individuals. In any case, it is important that you are well informed and well prepared so that this transition does not end in failure. Here are 10 mistakes to avoid when choosing your outplacement platform or consultant.

1- Not having a career plan

Depending on your profile (senior manager with 5 to 15 years of experience), it is important that you have a clear idea of where you want to go next in your career, your professional project. This is even more important if you are a middle manager. In fact, outplacement is increasingly being extended to more modest profiles (middle managers with less than 5 years of experience for example).

2- Do not negotiate the terms well

In general, your employer is responsible for paying the outplacement firm, even if there is no obligation to do so. The costs are generally estimated at between 15 and 20% of your gross annual salary. This explains the reluctance of many executives to use outplacement firms. Less than 5% of them actually use consultants.

3- Rushing to choose a platform

You have just lost a job. You want to bounce back quickly. This is legitimate. However, don't rush. Take the time to discuss with several consultants in order to choose the one who best understands your aspirations and who will consequently be able to give you the best advice, to better guide you. Preferably choose an experienced consultant. It is the insurance that he has wide networks. That could be very beneficial to you.

4- Do not mourn your dismissal

If you have had to seek out an outplacement consultant due to economic unemployment, you will have to turn that page in your life and open a new one. A new window of opportunity is opening for you.

5- Letting yourself be discouragement

Finding another job even with an experienced consultant can take months or even years. On average, eight out of 10 executives find a job after less than 12 months. So you'll need to be patient.

6- Do not develop a network

In general, after 5 to 10 years of experience, you have had time to develop a network. If this is not the case, you will have to work on this first project with your consultant. Do not hesitate to participate in the firm's activities, workshops or group events. These are ideal opportunities for networking. Also, you should know that the probability of finding a job thanks to a network is 70% at the age of less than 40 and 90% at the age of more than 55.

7- Don't control your communication

You need to be eloquent. Practice your pitch (presenting yourself in 2 minutes maximum in front of an interviewer or an audience). Participating in group work will help you.

8- Not having a plan

It is important that you proceed in successive steps with objectives to reach at each stage. Don't hesitate to celebrate the battles you win, no matter how small they may seem to you. This will motivate you more.

9- Not doing a progress report

This event in your professional career is also the time to take stock. Do you want to continue in the same sector of activity or do you want to change to the job you've always dreamed of? Depending on your profile, discuss it with your consultant and take advantage of this opportunity to straighten out the situation if necessary.

10- Rely on headhunters

Even if many people use them, it would be better if you have several strings to your bow. In addition, you should know that only 10% of the executives who have used the services of a headhunter find a job, so using an outplacement platform is far from being an easy task. But with a good coach and a good method, it becomes easier.

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