
1/ SkillValue, in a few words

SkillValue is an assessment platform for skills . It offers a variety of tests and tools to help you assess and improve the technical skills of your users, enabling them to reach their full professional potential. SkillValue aims to become a trusted partner for companies in their skills development strategy for their employees.

2/ Why choose SkillValue

  • Evaluate your skills techniques to identify strengths and opportunities for development.
  • Measure your performance and track your progress over time.
  • Take advantage of personalized recommendations to improve your skills and reach your professional goals.
  • Benefit from a platform that adapts to your development needs skills, with a variety of technologies and methodologies evaluated.
  • SkillValue provides you with accurate and reliable results through online assessments designed by experts.

3/ What are the functional complementarities with Neobrain

Assign Skillvalue tests in the Neobrain platform to objectivize the level of certain technical skills of your employees. The test results validate the level of mastery of skills in the skill profile of the employee.

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