Bosch – Fostering employee loyalty Success story

Bosch wanted to enhance the individual skills and collective expertise, in the context of an industrial transition, to strengthen a sense of belonging, and to promote mobility. The company called on Neobrain to help implement this change. The HR solution has accelerated these cultural transitions and has helped to propel the organisation and its skills towards its future business lines.

Neobrain has enabled us to provide effective support to our employees within a context of industrial transition that is often difficult to manage. This way, each employee can easily identify and develop his or her skills.

Benoît Courtin
Bosch Human Resources Director





Costumer since


Customer context

Bosch has entrusted Neobrain with the task of implementing a strategic and cultural shift in its internal organisation. The aim of this partnership was to make the most of the skills held by each of our employees, and to make each of them the driving force behind their own development. Against a backdrop of ‘diesel bashing’, business at the Bosch Rodez plant had been hit hard. To address this issue, the Bosch plant has put in place three strategic pillars:

  • Ensuring that productivity is sufficient to maintain both optimum operating costs and Bosch-standard quality
  • Diversifying industrial activities to address new markets
  • Supporting employees as the site evolves by setting up an employee transition support scheme

This is where Neobrain came in. The challenge was to facilitate the mobility of skills and to encourage the development of emerging skills, with a view to meeting the market challenge posed by the decline of diesel.

The identified issues

It was against this backdrop of industrial transition that the Human Resources Department, working alongside Neobrain and its teams, devised an innovative social scheme: the Skills Heritage Programme. The subsidiary’s economic, technological and environmental changes prompted Bosch to conduct a review of its current situation and develop its skills. Until now, our skills had been focused on in-depth expertise in existing activities. Today, skills must be flexible, scalable and cross-functional.

The aim was therefore to refocus the HR strategy on employees’ skills and aptitudes, which must be retained, developed or passed on when they leave (upon retirement, for example).

Our approach

The success of the Skills Heritage Programme relied on the support of HRBPs and managers, so that they themselves could support their employees in this process.

This programme enabled each employee to identify all his or her skills, strengths and assets, areas for development and key motivators. The solution implemented by Neobrain allowed them to enhance their skills by sharing them with their managers, and to then consolidate their profiles by pursuing skills and professions in line with the site’s future, with the support of HRBPs.

The Skills Heritage Programme enhanced staff members’ employability by enabling them to promote themselves within a rapidly changing environment. It made team matching easier for the manager, and enabled management to better steer the corporate strategy, in adopting both a micro and a macro perspective of the site’s strengths and potential.

Finally, this programme, which brought together employees, managers and HRBPs over a short, structured period of time, encouraged social dialogue during an anxiety-inducing period change, by making the forward-planning of jobs and skills more agile and dynamic.

The implemented modules

Neobrain is supporting a multi-dimensional change in Bosch’s business in Rodez.

The deployed modules are as follows:

Skills Intelligence

Marketplace Tests: This module helps employees identify and develop their skills portfolio, and (re)discover their professional profile. This procedure is based on questionnaires made available directly on the platform, the results of which can be shared between employees, managers and HR managers.

Career planner: This module helps employees discover inspiring careers within their company, through resources in the form of job descriptions. Each of these bears a sticker indicating the level of compatibility with the profile of the employee viewing it. My Career is a loyalty-building tool, which allows you to draw up one or more career plans to help you plan for the future, in consultation with your manager or HR department.

Talent planner

La pôle de Rodez has built scenarios for the transformation of the industrial site based on several data :

  • The workforce
  • Retirements
  • Recruitment rate
  • Average time in position
  • skills identified as critical for tomorrow

From this point onwards, economic trends are identified, and different models are accessible according to the business scenarios decided upon. In this way, the site was able to carry out its upskilling and reskilling activities in order to succeed in its strategic evolution.