Natixis – Accelerating mobility Success story

Natixis wanted to give its employees increased autonomy, and to thus encourage their internal mobility towards jobs for which they are qualified. Neobrain’s platform has allowed our employees to share their skills and better plan their future careers. Career paths have become more dynamic, and HR managers have been able to gain a clearer picture of how jobs are changing.

Within the context of a banking sector undergoing major transformation, we were able to increase internal mobility by 50% with Neobrain, and this within just 8 months of deploying our platform.

Cristel Guillain
Head of HR Transformation & Talent. Natixis Group


Investment banking



Costumer since


The identified issues

Through its “Jobs in Motion” project, Natixis aimed to implement a digital solution to meet its current and future HR challenges:

  • Accompany employees as they face the rapid transformation of their jobs , to acquire the skills of the future.
  • To make the project part of a responsible employer approach, in which the individualization of employee career development is central.
  • Extend the digital transition to HR players and provide initial acculturation to the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence.
  • Deliver the ideal user experience to engage every player in the new talent marketplace.

Our approach‍

The success of this project depends on the support and tools provided to HR teams and managers. They can now provide their employees with concrete support in this skills development process, and monitor their progress.

As a first step, Neobrain is helping Natixis to map out its available skills. To do this, assisted by AI, employees identify their skills and carry out a self-assessment of their mastery and motivation on each of them. In a second phase, after a reassessment by the managers of these skills, Neobrain enables Natixis to pilot and project the skills to meet the company’s strategic objectives.


  • 10,800 employees have benefited from the solution since its launch in 2021.
  • 85% of employees logged on to the tool within 2 weeks.
  • 50,000 skills have been added.
  • Internal mobility has increased by almost 50%.
Skills Intelligence

Skills Mapping : Natixis has populated its skills and job repository on the Neobrain platform. From this repository, the platform suggests personalised skills based on the experience filled in by the employee. These suggestions are linked to the nearest monitoring centres and to market trends. This module, which has been implemented at Natixis (and also with the majority of Neobrain’s customers), is designed to avoid over-complication, with a system that identifies potential duplication and suggests emerging skills within a specific sector. This module will eventually be added to the skills and job descriptions.

Talent Marketplace

Profile and job matching : Once the skills have been mapped and the profiles completed by each employee, the platform offers the employee suggestions for personalised job offers from among all the vacant positions being advertised in-house. This module meets the objective of promoting mobility gateways by making it easier for everyone to identify themselves when applying for internal job offers. The job offer suggestions are based on an algorithm, which has been defined and enriched thanks to the participation of the Neobrain & Natixis Data teams.

Career planner (job repository): Thanks to this module, Natixis can offer its employees the ability to plan their careers by discovering all the jobs available within Natixis through resources in the form of job cards: each employee can thus browse the jobs, the skills required and the compatibility of their profile with these jobs. Each job description bears a sticker indicating the level of compatibility with the profile of the employee viewing it. The Career planner module is a loyalty-building tool, enabling you to create one or more career plans to help you plan for the future.

Internal Recruitment: Natixis is making use of the “Talent marketplace” module, which grants recruiters access to a search engine for internal profiles. The aim? To unearth talents, so as to quickly identify profiles that can respond to Natixis’ open internal mobility offers.

Profile and training matching : A first for Natixis, and thanks to the co-construction carried out with Neobrain, this module matches the employee’s declared skills with the Natixis training catalogue. The platform selects the most appropriate training courses based on the levels of proficiency declared vs. those required in terms of the skills requested in the job descriptions. Ultimately, this module allows us to offer employees the most relevant training to help them develop in their current job and in their career progression.

Engagement loop

Continuous performance optimization: Utilizing regular assessment and recognition of skills and preferences translates to daily support for talent. With Neobrain, Natixis has streamlined its managerial practices, allowing for smoother monitoring of achievements.

People Review:  Career committees now benefit from automatically generated reports. Not only has the preparation time been reduced, but the identification of high potentials has become more objective.