Career Transition : the 3 pillars

People wil have, on average, 12 jobs in their lifes. As a company what are the 3 Keys to Successful Internal Mobility in Today's Corporate Landscape.

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Establish the "internal mobility" reflex before external recruitment

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Old paradigms have taught us that a company’s evolution can only be conceived vertically, and rather from the bottom to the top!
And what if there was another kind of internal mobility… More horizontal, even transversal? Whose driving force would not necessarily be that of social climbing, but rather a search for personal fulfillment, which would involve a change of position, of team, of profession; and even why not, a total reconversion…?
How can we manage to mobilize the desire for new horizons in order to offer them an internal mobility likely to meet the mutual expectations: employee and company?

What are the pillars of a successful career transition?

We distinguish 3 main pillars to make a success of a reconversion: an employee space that reveals assets, individual interviews that make people think, and the gpec so that the company responds to the expectations of reorientation.

Employees and HR portals

Following the example of the world champion of cross-functional internal mobility, Google, all companies wishing to encourage internal mobility can set up a dedicated platform. Thanks to this tool, each employee is able to find out about the opportunities available to them, both nationally and internationally. Often, job vacancies are visible on the dedicated platform before they are advertised externally, thus prioritizing the principle of internal mobility.
Ideally, the platform should allow :

  • The uploading of CVs, then their updates,
  • The expression of mobility wishes, whether geographic or “business”,
  • The collection of mobility wishes by HR,
  • Consultation of offers by employees,
  • Putting applications online,
  • Collection of applications by HR and feedback from them on the follow-up,
  • For employees, as well as for HR, the history of requests made and missions offered, and their status.

Individual and professional interviews

The professional interview, which has been added to the individual interview, is a good example of the change in direction taken to promote cross-functional internal mobility. The fact that it arrived at the same time as the massive arrival of generation Y on the job market is perhaps not innocent. This is a generation that is particularly sensitive to the notion of cross-functional internal mobility. Thus, individual and professional interviews are an opportunity for employees to communicate about their career objectives and interests. For managers and HR, the individual and professional interviews, in addition to evaluating, allow them to identify skills transferable in the short, medium and long term. These interviews, which concern all employees, whatever their status, are also an opportunity to listen and to encourage those who have not yet expressed their desire to change jobs to do so; to explain or justify any refusal of mobility. In short, it is an essential moment of exchange that should not be neglected.

Employment and career planning

The approach Strategic Workforce Planning is a way for companies to adapt jobs, staff and skills to their strategic needs, taking into account their economic ecosystem as well as their technological, social and legal environment.
In addition to its legal nature (companies with at least 300 employees must systematically implement it), the Strategic Workforce Planning contributes significantly to cross-functional internal mobility. It allows employers to manage both the skills in place and those they need on other sites…or in the future. It is therefore a guarantee to continue to develop by relying on internal skills . For the employees, it is the opportunity to have a panorama of all the possibilities… From the simple change of service to the total reconversion.
The policy of Strategic Workforce Planning is particularly active in companies that are experiencing recruitment problems for so-called qualified positions. Using internal mobility means surrounding yourself with candidates who already know the company and are sensitive to its culture. This reduces absenteeism and turnover; it allows the creation of multidisciplinary teams while avoiding costly recruitment plans. Finally, the mix of profiles and professions encourages cohesion and creativity.

In brief…. This is a virtuous principle in many respects, and often a "win-win" operation, for the company as well as for the employee!

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