Online HR service package: how to digitalize the HR function?

The digitalization of the HR function has become inevitable. Find out how to implement an online HR service package now!
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Although it is still ambiguous for some of us, the digitalization of the HR function in our current professional environment has become inevitable. It is clear that we are entering a new era: the era of online HR.

When the topic of HR comes up in meetings with colleagues, most of your employees will think of filing personnel files, leave administration, payroll, recruitment, promotion, dismissals, conflict management between colleagues... That said, it's not wrong, but we know that this list is only the tip of the iceberg in your HR department. And HR dematerialization can be an access point to take the mystery out of your department to your employees.

So let's take a look at how this dematerialization is going and how to make your department HR digital.

What is the digitalization of the HR function?

The digitization of the HR function is defined as the transformation or transfer of all manual activities or physical filing to a digital format.

To help you understand, let's take the case of a traditional leave request submitted by an employee, the HR process will be :

  • Identification of leave balance and availability
  • Preparation of the application on paper
  • Deposit of validation with the line manager
  • Submission of the document to the HR department for registration
  • Return of validation of the request

Solutions such as Lucca, a Neobrain partner, allow these steps to be completed in seconds.

Learn more about the reality of digitalizing the HR function in our Page"Digital HR, Utopia or Reality ?"

The digital components of the HRIS

As we have introduced, the HR department works with many processes. So, like any department, in order to be properly managed, the HR department must have an efficient HRIS (Human Resources Information System) to manage and optimize its performance indicators. And the digital transformation of the HR function will be a major asset in optimizing HRIS KPIs.

What are the main digital components of HRIS?

We have gathered 4 main digital elements:

  1. ‍Thepersonnel administrative process: archiving personnel files, employment contract, leave management
  2. The payroll process: preparation, validation and distribution of pay slips
  3. Recruitment management and integration of new employees: launch of company brand sourcing, video conference interviews, remote integration follow-up, direct support with sponsors
  4. Management of skills: database of individual evaluations, PDI (Individual Development Plan) follow-ups, training follow-ups and evaluations, career plans

This is a non-exhaustive list by which you can intervene to make the HR dematerialization. However, it should be noted that this digitalization of HR elements must be accompanied by the implementation of one or more tools such as software, programs or applications suitable for management.

The tools to adopt to digitalize the HR function

Switching to digitalization of your HR function cannot be done overnight. This is because all changes must be accompanied by the means to achieve them, ingenuity to manage resistance to change and investment costs.

But this transformation towards optimization through technology is a real ally for process drivers.
To digitalize your HR department, you have 2 options in terms of tools:
- Customize your interface or work platform by requesting the intervention of a dedicated developer
- Buy a program already predefined corresponding to your needs like Sage.

For both the first and second options, you must therefore:
- Identify your needs in terms of processes
- Identify the interdependent, time-consuming and substitutable activities
- See the capacity of your staff to adapt to new technology
- Establish your budget for the acquisition of the tool

Conclude on HR digitization

HR digitalization is an inevitable opportunity for your company. And opting for this digital transformation would only benefit you and your employees. It will streamline various HR processes, reduce time-consuming filing activities, and can also get staff more involved in your HR department.

The issues at your level in the HR department for this transformation will be change management, implementation of tools and cost investment.

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