Carole Menguy Houel

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Carole Menguy Houel

Carole Menguy has been working in the field of business transformation for 20 years. After studying at the EM Lyon business school, Carole moved into strategic consulting and acquired a strong expertise in the customer and user journey.

She founded HTS Consulting and WiserSKILLS with Jean-Bernard Girault with the mission of creating new employee experiences through intuitive and innovative software.

Dedicated to converting the accelerated transformation of businesses and skills into opportunities for her clients, Carole is an expert in Strategic Workforce Planning, a theme she details in Neobrain's Bog. Now "Head of Product" at the leading SWP editor, Carole is constantly improving the solution to better meet the expectations of employees, managers and HR teams.

HR strategic planning: background and objectives
Strategic Workforce Planning
HR strategic planning: background and objectives
SWP: definitions and use cases
Strategic Workforce Planning
SWP: definitions and use cases